Category: Food
What is a Vegan?
A vegan is somebody who does not eat or use any animal products. A vegan chooses not cause harm to another living thing by eating a plant-based diet, and avoids meat, fish, milk, eggs, dairy products, or honey. A vegan also does not buy or wear animal products such as leather, wool, silk, fur etc.…
The Miraculous Raw Vegan Diet: Experience Greater Health and Happiness
I’ve discovered the secret to greater health and happiness and I’m dying to share it with you. It’s called the raw vegan diet and it’s literally transformed my life. What’s more, it’s the greenest diet on the planet. But first I’m going to clear up some of the confusion behind what constitutes a healthy diet…
Raw Food Diet Benefit: Enjoy the top 15 life-changing Benefits of Going Raw
Experience raw food diet benefit after another with the raw food lifestyle. You’ll enjoy greater health and vitality, more energy and might even enjoy your life more, if thousands of successful raw vegans are to be believed. What’s more, in recent years, more and more scientific studies are being released in support of these testimonials.…
The Human Omnivore and Carnivore Myth
Most people think that there is such as thing as a human omnivore or a human carnivore. The truth is, we are frugivores, 98.5% anatomically identical to a chimpanzee, and thrive on a diet that consists on fruit and vegetables. If you find this hard to believe, let me prove to you without a doubt…